Email Communication has over the years evolved to be one of the vital channels of communication, especially in this era of computer. It is faster, cheaper and can transfer other forms of information, including pictures and videos; making it a more convenience way of sending messages as compared to other media.

Health professionals may use the email to interact with other professionals, patient, lecturers or perform other official duties. However, using the email for official duties may require just more than typing a message in a Working Space and clicking on the Send knob. It requires some level of knowledge and skills in order to make your message relevant and well communicated.

Email as the name implies, (Electronic Mail) is the electronic version of the letter writing we know, with just some additional properties. Therefore, it must follow all the rules and the seriousness we normally give to letter writing.
Every professional email must be

1.     Clear, Simple and Concise
Many people will skip over your emails that contain lengthy information. Just as it’s being encouraged in letter writing, every email must be as simple as possible, clear as possible and concise.

2.     Well Organised
One key thing in letter writing is organisation. The same rule applies here in Email Communication. One has to predetermine the manner in which his message will be organised before composing his message. 

3.      Formatted
Formatting is as necessary as the points we've already discussed above just that in most cases, we do not treat it as such; making our work look junky and messy. In emailing, we have to ensure that we paragraph our texts and all numbering done accordingly. An orderly presentation increases the reader's appetite to read to the very end.

4.     A Clear Subject
Subject lines are also very important in emailing. It is what the recipient see when he opens his inbox. With over hundreds of mails in the recipient’s inbox, your subject is the only thing that convinces him to either read or reject your message. Therefore the wording of a subject line must be carefully selected.

5.     Relevant
The body of the message must be relevant to the subject matter. Most times in emailing, because of ease of access to information due to the internet, we are tempted to include information which may not be relevant to the subject matter. 

Also, know the kind of information to be included in the message. Certain information need not to be delivered via email. For instance, news of death, chronic diagnosis and sensitive information. It's safer to deliver them in person.

Hyperlinks must also be avoided. This distract readers. In many instances, this arises when unedited information is brought from other website into the mail. This information may contain hyperlinks that may not be of relevance to the reader. Hyperlinks must only be brought in mails only when it will be of importance to the reader.

6.     Proofreading
One important skill in writing is proofreading. Every good writer knows that, in order to avoid petty mistakes, he has to read his works to his hearing. Sometimes, you can read to other people’s hearing or have other people read to their hearing.
Whiles proof reading; it is good to review or check on your grammar, punctuations, capitalisations and spellings.

7.     Attachments

If files are attached to the email, it is prudent to add a short referring statements; stating the type of file, the name of file, the number of files and preferably, a short descriptive statements.

The Writer is a Communication Skills Lecturer
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